Thank you for helping Jessica find her wings! I know we are just starting, but I am so happy and relieved she is getting help to process the world and find herself (and believe in herself!). We feel so lucky to have found you! Your spirit and knowledge and professionalism are truly amazing to find in one person!

Thanks Karyn !
Katie also snapped her jeans for the first time yesterday. She told me that you worked on a button and snap board with her. We have worked on that with her for so long, but she could never do it. She held her hands in a different way and her fingers and thumbs and just did it. We were so proud of her!

We had company on Saturday and they spent the night. Kelsey did amazing. She was calm THE WHOLE TIME. We were amazed. She before would have gotten crazy and wild with the kids. Our friend’s children were wild but she was a very good, calm girl. We were so proud of her. We told her when they left how she was “just right” the whole time. We know this occupational therapy is working and we are so thankful to you!

I wanted to thank you for helping Jess so much! I can’t tell you all of the little and big things we’ve noticed Jess improving. Still no accidents and much better piano playing. A while ago we considered stopping lessons for him because it seemed so difficult for him and he was getting frustrated, but tonight he played the best he has in years; much more fluidly. Thank you for giving that back to him and for giving him so much confidence! Like we told you, he made the all-stars soccer, which I attribute to his improving, as well. All around, he’s a much happier boy. Thank you!

This morning I accidently came across a video Darrin had taken at the beginning of this year of Drake having a half hour fit. It reminded me how far he’s come with OT –all the way to 65 gentle balloon pats! HUGE! He’s a much easier person to live with now. We are so grateful for all you’ve done to make our family a happier, healthier unit! What you do is so important